If I Stop Drinking Diet Soda, Will I Lose Belly Fat?

Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and University of Miami Miller School of Medicine studied over 2,500 adults over a decade.

Heart failure

 Artificial sweeteners make you seek fatty meals, which can contribute to glucose intolerance and weight gain. 


Diet sodas sweetened with artificial substances, unlike sugar-sweetened drinks, increase dementia risk in roughly 3,000 over-60s in 2017.


The same research of over 3,000 adults revealed daily diet beverage use increased stroke risk over 10 years. 


Because diet soda drinkers are often overweight or obese, they may have high blood pressure. Sodium may also explain it. One can of soda has 40mg sodium. 

High blood pressure

Daily diet soda drinking increased Type 2 diabetes risk by 67%, which roughly 10% of Americans have. 

Diabetes and blindness

Higher systemic fatty acid levels, associated to obesity and gluconeogenesis, were seen in the gut.

Stomach issues