Discover 9 Vegetables to Plant in June


June is actually a great time to put quick-maturing summer radishes in the ground. This is because when heat reaches its peak, it can cause the flavor of these veggies to get too pungent.

Beets are cold tolerant and are typically planted in cooler temperatures, but they will germinate in soil temperatures ground if you aren t too far down south.


Here s a vegetable that a lot of people think you need to plant in early spring in order to get a harvest. It s not necessary. The potato has an average maturity.



Peas are typically grown in the early spring and known for being a cool-weather crop, but if you re in the right location and choose a variety with some heat tolerance.

Bunching Onions

You can still add onions to your patch. While it s smart to stay away from bulb onions in June because there isn t a long enough growing season for them to reach maturity.

Swiss chard

wiss chard is another versatile crop. It is one that is normally thrown into the cool-season category, but it s heat tolerant and the most heat tolerant out of all the greens.


Beans are an ideal crop because they mature quickly in warm soil and locations with at least eight hours of sun. They are a conventional warm-season.

Summer squash

Summer squash comes in all shapes, sizes and varieties from yellow squash to zucchini, making it a great choice for different regions. Well-known varieties.


Corn is another versatile crop that s perfect for someone starting their garden a little later. Depending on the variety, it has the potential to mature.