9 Eating Habits Destroying Your Body After 30

Mindless Eating

Brian Wansink of Cornell University found that larger plates or bowls make you eat more. Moviegoers with extra-large stale popcorn containers ate 45% more than those with smaller fresh popcorn containers.

Nighttime Noshing

Eating at night can hinder weight loss. A Northwestern University study showed mice fed high-fat foods during the day gained more weight than those fed the same diet at night.

Endless Snacking

University of North Carolina research revealed that even kids are snacking more on junk food like chips, soda, and candy.

Skipping Breakfast

A study of Chinese schoolchildren found that those who skipped breakfast gained more weight over two years than those who ate it.

Emotional Eating

Eating due to emotions, whether positive or negative, can lead to overeating. Studies confirm that using food as a coping mechanism is a common weight-loss obstacle.

Eating Too Quickly

Eating too fast doesn t give your brain time to signal fullness, leading to overeating. Japanese research linked rapid eating to being overweight in a study of 3,200 men and women.

Not Getting Enough Sleep

A Tokyo study found that men and women who slept five hours or less a night were more likely to gain weight than those who slept seven hours or more.

Vegging Out With Video Games

Playing video games can lead to overeating. A study found that teens who gamed for just an hour ate more throughout the day, possibly affecting adults who sit in front of computers all day too.

Eating Junk Food

Junk food can be addictive, similar to drugs. Studies on rats showed high-fat, high-sugar foods triggered addiction-like responses, and comfort food can cause feelings of happiness in humans.